
Welcome to my blog. I mainly blog about the basics of running Flash games over the internet, but sometimes I get distracted. Here you will find my efforts at programming turn based Flash games, plus links to all the games I have written. You are free (as in beer) to get all the code, just email me - nicolas_evans at yahoo.com (sorry you cant click on it - I dont want more spam).

Building Multiplayer Games in Flash.

The Posts

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Hi. Still working on converting Fish Or Foul. The most difficult game I have converted, mostly due to it being an older game. I have learnt to include all necessary movieclips in the constructor and not to rename movieclips. I also encountered a gotcha, where the class owning a static function cannot access that function. This only happens in the Flash Player 6, it works correctly in Flash Player 7.

# posted by nicolas_evans @ 8:59 AM
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