Welcome to my blog. I mainly blog about the basics of running Flash games over the internet, but sometimes I get distracted. Here you will find my efforts at programming turn based Flash games, plus links to all the games I have written. You are free (as in beer) to get all the code, just email me - nicolas_evans at yahoo.com (sorry you cant click on it - I dont want more spam).
Building Multiplayer Games in Flash.
class GENERIC { public var clip:MovieClip; function GENERIC (ca:MovieClip) { clip = ca; } } import GENERIC; class MyScrambleGame extends GENERIC { function MyScrambleGame (ca:MovieClip,pTarget,pAsPlayer:Number) { super(ca); mcCa = ca; } function fnStartOfRound() { } function fnStartOfTurn() { } function fnEndOfTurn() { } function fnEndOfRound() { } function fnEndOfGame() { } function fnShuffleTiles() { } function fnDisplayBoard() { } function fnHideBoard() { } function fnEnableTableDrag() { } function fnDisableTableDrag() { } function fnStartDrag (mc:MovieClip) { } function fnStopDrag (mc:MovieClip) { } }There are other methods specific to this game. My next post should deal with a net version of Scramble.